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CPR, AED, First Aid, OSHA Training, OSHA Consulting Nationwide. Online CPR, AED, First Aid Training.

AED Programs

AED Instructor Forum
American Cancer Society
American Heart Assn.
Becker Training Associates, LLC
Corporate Health & Safety Classes
Corporate Training
Emergency Response Techniques, Inc.
ESCAPE Fire & Safety Services
Life Happens
Lifeline Videos
MA Institute of Fire Service Instructors
National Center for Early Defibrillation
Occupational Safety Systems
River Valley Juvenile Firesetter Intervention Program
Webs Biggest: Safety

AED Home Page
Automated External Defibrillator
The GETS AED Pages are full of information and equipment that will help you create a successful AED Program. Contact us anytime with your questions and to start your AED Program. GETS provides complete AED Program support to all of our existing or new clients.
Turn the CRPlus AED ON

Pull Handle, Open Package and Attach Electrodes to Chest of Victim

"SHOCK ADVISED": Semi-Automatic: You Press the Shock Button, Automatic: The CRPlus Will Shock Without Operator Intervention.

Medtronic Lifepak CRPlus AED
Medtronic created the LIFEPAK CR Plus defibrillator specifically for the first person at the scene of a sudden cardiac arrest. Designed for the minimally trained and infrequent rescuer, it’s easy to understand and use in a cardiac emergency, when every second counts. It’s just plain simple.

Semi or Fully Automatic Shock Delivery
The CR Plus is available in a semiautomatic and fully automatic model. Withthesemi-automatic CR Plus you assess the person in sudden cardiac arrest, then open the device and apply the electrodes. The device analyzes the heart’s rhythm and tells you to push a button if the heart needs a shock. 

The fully automatic CR Plus requires just the first two steps, and the device does the rest. 

Fast & Simple

    Sleek, lightweight design for grab-and-go portability. 

    Clear screen messages, voice prompts, readiness display and lighted buttons guide responders. 

    Intuitive design ideal for infrequent or inexperienced users. 

    Pre-connected electrodes save valuable time on-scene. Electrode pad diagrams illustrate optimum placement. 

Cardiac Science Powerheart G3 Plus AED

Cardiac Science Powerheart G3 Plus AED

Cardiac Science Powerheart G3 Plus AED
Featuring more than 80 patents, the Powerheart G3 Plus AED offers a unique combination of features that no other AED can match in providing an easy to use, reliable and technologically advanced lifesaving device.

New, Rescue Coach™ intuitive voice prompts were designed using the results of a human behavior study to guide the rescuer confidently and easily through the rescue process and provide instructions and AED behavior aligned with the AHA/ERC 2005 Guidelines. The new detailed instructions for CPR include a metronome to assist with frequency of compressions. 

Patented Rescue Ready® daily, weekly and monthly self-tests ensure that critical components such as pads, battery and internal circuitry are always in working order and validate reliability. Another unique feature for Powerheart AEDs is the monthly full-energy self test which confirms that the AED can charge to its maximum capability. 

Patented non-polarized defibrillation pads simplify the placement process as either pad can be placed in the upper right chest or lower left chest area. Powerheart AEDs also feature a text screen which displays text prompts for use in a loud rescue environment, or by rescuers who are hearing impaired. 


    • Available with fully-automatic or semi-automatic operation. 
    • Rescue Coach intuitive and comprehensive voice prompts guide users through the rescue. 

    • Metronome for proper CPR compression frequency.


Patented Rescue Ready® technology includes daily, weekly, and monthly self-tests of battery, internal electronics, software, and pads, which assures first time, every time shock delivery. 

Additional G3 Plus Features

  • Outstanding voice prompt quality and clarity. 
  • 4 - Year full operational replacement battery guarantee. 
  • 7 - Year AED warranty. 

What is an AED?
An AED is a medical device designed to "shock" the heart of a victim in cardiac arrest (no pulse or breathing) back into a survivable electrical/mechanical rhythm. This is a time sensitive treatment. For every minute a victim is in cardiac arrest, they lose 10% chance of survival, and shocking the heart with an AED is the best treatment for this life-threatening condition.

What is Sudden Cardiac Arrest?
Each year, 350,000 people die in the United States alone of sudden cardiac arrest. The problem is an electrical disturbance in the heart that causes it to "quiver" instead of beating normally. It's called ventricular fibrillation (V-Fib). These are people who "just dropped dead." The treatment - RAPID Defibrillation ("shock") LESS than five minutes from "DROP" (victim in cardiac arrest) to "SHOCK" (AED on and able to defibrillate). Sudden Cardiac Arrest is an indiscriminate killer. It kills no matter the age, race or sex of its victim- including children!

What is a Public Access AED Program?
A Public Access AED Program (PAD) allows the AED and other lifesaving equipment to be accessible to ANYONE who is trained in its use, or any Good Samaritan who chooses to use the equipment to save a life. This cuts down the time from "DROP" to "SHOCK" and gives the victim a greater chance of survival. Public Access programs are STRONGLY recommended anywhere the general public gathers, and in the workplace. These programs are recommended by the American Heart Association, American Safety and Health Institute, National Center for Early Defibrillation, Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) and many other national organizations.

The goal of GETS and our Lifesaving Road Tour is to improve the survivability of sudden cardiac arrest victims by placing defibrillators in:

  • Government Facilities 
  • Transportation Facilities (Airports / Aircraft, Train Stations / Trains, Bus Lines & Depots, etc.) 
  • Businesses & Industry 
  • Shopping Malls and Large Shopping Centers 
  • Places of Worship 
  • Tourist Attractions & Facilities 
  • Stadiums 
  • Recreational Facilities (Golf, Country Clubs, Pools, Boating, etc.) 
  • Healthcare Facilities 
  • Education Facilities 
  • Hotels and Resorts 
  • Amusement Parks and Attractions 
  • Anywhere a Lifeguard is present 
  • Community AED Programs 
  • Rural Areas 
How Do I Create and Manage a Successful Program?
Please view the AED pages listed LEFT and contact GETS to assist you in all aspects of your AED Program.
AED Program Components

AED Programs provided by GETS are designed specifically for your facility. This page is dedicated to providing you step-by-step instructions for implementation of an AED Program. GETS will assist you in all areas of AED purchase, deployment and management.

From Casinos to Community Centers, AED & Life Safety Products allow you to react seamlessly to an emergency anywhere you work or play!
AEDs are easy to use and maintain. In just a few short hours of training, responders will learn the skills necessary to save a life. Follow-up training and drills provided by GETS Training Centers will help hone your responders skills and make them prepared for WHEN an emergency does occur. GETS is here to help you step-by-step to develop and implement your AED Program and Emergency Response Team! Our personnel and affiliates are dedicated healthcare professionals (EMTs, Paramedics, Nurses, Physicians) that use this equipment in real life. We want to share our experience with you to make you feel confident in an emergency situation.

AED Program Implementation Guide
Thank you for considering an AED Program. By placing AEDs in key locations where people work, live and play, you can give a victim of sudden cardiac arrest another chance at life! Make a copy of this page and use it as a checklist for starting your program. Call GETS for assistance and guidance in setting up and running your program.
JL Industries AED/O2 Responder Bag Public Access
AEDs are designed to provide treatment to a life-threatening electrical disturbance in the heart QUICKLY!  This device is meant to be in public access, not only for your responders, but also for trained bystanders who may be present as staff or visitors. 

Not Just an AED Hanging on a Wall!
AEDs are lifesaving medical equipment. They REQUIRE little effort to maintain their readiness, HOWEVER, it is important that your responders, staff and other bystanders know the importance of this equipment, check it regularly and practice often. Both our responder bags and cabinets have easy view windows to see unit status.

( ) Decision Makers
Identify decision makers and arrange a meeting to build support. Contact GETS when you need help demonstrating equipment, showing the importance of an AED program, or urging people to contribute to your program.

( ) Review Your Laws & Regulations
Good Samaritan Laws now exist in all states to protect the layperson responder who choose to help victims in distress. The Cardiac Arrest Survival Act of 2000 encourages placement of AEDs in all federal buildings and ensures federal liability protection for those who acquire or use an AED to help save a life. TRAINING IS REQUIRED!Contact GETS for full details and assistance with laws in your state.

( ) Identify Your Response Team
Now it is time to decide who your response team members are. Who is likely to respond in an emergency at your facility?


    People already expected to provide CPR and first aid in an emergency (security, floor wardens, lifeguards, managers, coaches, existing emergency response teams) 

    People trained in an AED program (flight attendants, teachers, church ushers & ministers) 

    Volunteer firefighters and EMS workers 

    Volunteers who want to be part of your response team 

( ) Medical Direction
Although AEDs are designed for use by laypeople with minimal training, they are classified as a Class III medical devices by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA), and cannot be purchased without a prescription from a physician. Medical oversight of your program is required. The physician is not required to be present when the AED is used, but must be aware of how you were trained (and follow-up training), and any uses of the AED. Medical direction may be provided by:

    GETS, Inc, has physicians and programs available to streamline the process (cost may apply) 

    A physician employed or contracted for your facility 

    Local EMS Medical Director 

    An interested physician in your community or local hospital 

GETS will assist in the process of getting your Medical Director
( ) Assess how many AEDs you will need & where to place them
The American Heart Association and all major curriculums recommend defibrillation in less than 4 to 5 minutes. Every additional minute delay to defibrillation decreases the victim's chances by 7% to 10%. To have a successful program, you will want enough AEDs in the right place, a clear way of communicating dispatch of your team, and enough people trained to respond quickly to the closest AED unit. 

AED Cabinets (shown w/ optional Emergency Oxygen) will enhance your quick response and allow anyone trained in the use of an AED access to this lifesaving equipment.

Applying the AED and delivering the first shock takes approximately 1 minute. To meet the 3 minute "from drop to shock" rule leaves you 2 minutes. GETS will analyze your facility's layout, and provide you with recommendations on AED equipment placement.

( ) Budget Your AED Program
Consider cost of equipment, training and promotion of your program:


    Initial expense of AED and related equipment (purchase vs. leasing) 

    Initial training and refresher training

    Replacement of batteries and electrodes (defib pads). 

    Public Access Cabinet 

    Responder needs: bloodborne pathogens protection, "uniform" to identify responders (hat, shirt, jacket, vest), communication equipment 

Now Purchase your AED Products - Training - Services from GETS
888-205-8988 (toll free)

( ) Design Response Policies and Procedures
If you already have an Emergency Action Plan, integrate the AED equipment into the existing plan. Standard operating policies and procedures (SOP) should be placed in service and reviewed and updated frequently.


    Who manages the AED program? 

    Who provides medical direction? 

    Standing orders for the use and training required for the AED Program 

    How internal and community responders are notified of an emergency 

    Types and location of AEDs and emergency equipment 

    Training and review training policy 

    Routine schedule for checking of equipment (checklists provided by GETS, Inc) 

    Regular review of SOP's 

    All records required when the AED is used 

GETS will help you develop this plan, write it, and provide oversight of all aspects of your program.

( ) Train the Responders & Place the Equipment In Service!
GETS - ECSI will train your responders and help you place the equipment in service. We will check to make sure all equipment is available and functioning after training is complete. Continued use of our instructors through our Training Partner Program brings you the added benefits of being trained and coached by the same team each time training is required and FREE REPLACEMENT of your AED Electrodes with any use or every two years when we return to do refresher training.
Emergency response is a group effort, and the teams we have helped form from coast-to-coast feel confident with their skills after GETS training and support. Being able to respond to a crisis requires preplanning and preparedness. We are here to help you through the entire process! 

The AED is only a PART of the response equipment. Typically, the responder is faced with a "live" victim, but an emergency situation may call for CPR, AED, first aid, the use of emergency oxygen and responder protection from bloodborne pathogens.

That is why our training is comprehensive and includes:




    Emergency Oxygen

    First Aid

    Bloodborne Pathogens

GETS has AED Responder Program Training Packages that includes the modules above. You can choose the program and equipment that is right for your facility.
( ) Notify Your Local EMS
Notifying your local EMS that you have started an AED program is good practice, and it is required in most states. GETS will introduce your local EMS to your program and invite them to participate in "drills".

Facility Management - AED Program Manager - Responders - GETS..

Because When You Save a Life ... Everybody Wins!

AED Program Oversight
Congratulations! You have chosen to acquire our program, and have contacted GETS to assist you with your AED Program. You will find below how we perform as your partner in managing your AED Program. Most of these services are provided at no additional cost to you! 
AED Training

AED Program Initiation
Congratulations! You have chosen to start your program. GETS will provide:
    Meet with person(s) responsible for the AED program.

    Walkthrough of your facility and identify location(s) for your equipment.

    Create communication method for responders to be notified of an emergency and proper emergency procedures.

    Create a method to identify responders.

    Write your AED Response Procedures.

    Assist in placing your AEDs and other equipment in service.

    Train your responders and introduce them to your facility.

    Familiarize others not on your response team to the program. 

    Assist in publicizing your program. 

    Coordinate program start-up with your AED Program Medical Director.

AED Equipment Inspection AED Program Maintenance
Your program is up and running, and your equipment needs to be treated as the life saving equipment that it is.  We assist by:
    Instructing your personnel how to perform regular inspections of your equipment.

    Provide checklists to make inspections simple.

    Database information for equipment (AED and O2), disposables (pads and battery) advise when they need to be replaced, store downloaded logs of all actual uses. Quarterly Report Provided / Available Anytime Via E-Mail.

    OPTIONAL: On-site inspections by our trained staff and affiliates.

    Database training provided and refresher dates. Quarterly Report Provided / Available Anytime Via E-Mail.

    Provide on-going training and "Skills Drills"

    Track national clinical and procedural information.

    Update personnel on any changes in policies and/or procedures.

AED Post-Incident Information
AED Program - After an Event
Critical events involving AEDs require information gathering and notifications to various agencies.  We provide:
    Use Survey Forms to document any emergency response. Sending the form to GETS will trigger a call from us for details.

    Debriefing (phone or in person) of the responder(s)

    Information download from the AED.

    Copies of downloaded information to EMS and receiving hospital.

    Medical Director notification and copy of downloaded AED information.

    Report on status of victim (if available).

    AED Survivors united with the National Center for Early Defibrillation - Survivor Network.

    Assist in publicizing any AED save with media.

Copyright © 2005-2008 Global Emergency Training Specialists
Last modified: 01/02/2008